Wednesday, February 14, 2007 Y 5:28 PM HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!! i am sloggin my guts out trying to do my marketing project which is due on friday. and another upcoming one which is also due on this friday. hai.... i am not like the other lucky girls out here having a date on this special day. ah boy is working night shift and i am stuck at hoem with my computer. what to say?? ashley had grown taller and both me and ah boy realised that she had also grown thinner. she now doesn't eat anything that people gives her and i am more relief. HAHAHA. i can see her not-so-fat arems now and i am so damn HAPPY!! Tuesday, February 13, 2007 Y 8:03 PM i am sick and tired of saying the same old things again and agin. i really don't wish to quqrrel over this matter and let this affect our relationship. i relly don't know whether is it really that i am thinking too much or is it really true. some people think that i am thinking too much because i haven't told them the whole thing yet. they had only heard part of the story. but for those that already got hold of the whole thing, they are really supportive for me. thank you all alot. but anyway, i am giving it up. i am going to show her that i am not someone who sit back and do nothing. better not to let her see me again or i think i cannot control myself. i don't want to be those shrew woman who kicks p a fuss in front of people. i am more of the stupid librans. who will more or less suffer quietly for the person you love rather than to voice out and seek what you deserve. i guess..... Saturday, February 10, 2007 Y 10:43 PM well, i declare that cheryl ng had been sick for one whole f***ing week. wonder when my stupid cough and stupid flu will go off. nevertheless, i did pretty lots of things for the week. went for reunion dinner with ah boy and family on wednesday, which i had mention before.. went for youth group gathering dinner at shaw tower on thursday. we finally had a time together because fu qin tang zhu had a hard time trying to get everyone free for a date. ate a lot and fu an paid for the whole bill. he's still the most generous guy that i had ever known. he even made a few detours just to send us home with his car. will post the pictures once i had the time. went shopping with roy at bugis in the evening because he wanted to get some new year clothes. didn't want to go in the beginning, but on the other hand, i need to go shopping for ah boy's birthday. walked the whole of bugis junction just to find the perfet shirt that i wanted to get him. went to a few shops but i didn't like it if it is too cheap or expensive. didn't like it if there is no brand. HAHAHAHAHA. went to nike shop but was unable to get the shirt that i wanted because there is no ah boy's size. then went to adidas but nothing cought my eye there. finally went to seiyu's world of sport and bought a nice green shirt that is the correct size. was very surprised because i wasn't expecting to get anything in seiyu. then went another distance to get the perfect box and perfect ribbon to wrap my gift. roy was very irritated because he didn't understand why the hell i spend so much time looking for the box. HAHAHAA.. ok..long post.. after that called ai see and date for a a ktv session on monday night to celebrate ah boy's birthday. she said that i was very funny because if she were me, she would spend a quiet dinner with her husband instead of asking friends out. lol...but anyway, i know that ah boy would enjoy the crowd more than me alone. i declare myself half day on monday because i wanna go out at night!! HAHAHAHAHAHA.... oh ya, i forgot to add that i can't wait till monday to give ah boy the gift,so....... i gave it to him yesterday night already. laugh..anyway... HE LOVES IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok. long post. i wanna end it. GOODNIGHT!! Thursday, February 08, 2007 Y 9:04 AM it's me just recovering from fever and ashley having a fever now. hai...i hope it is not spreaded by me. talked alot yesterday and i finally said all the things that i wanted to tell him. i just hope he takes in everything i said and do what he promises to, not only in short term but also in long term. ah boy birthday coming next week, i really don't know what to get. is getting a shirt from men's studio enough or not? i hate to buy gifts for guys, it's so damn hard. i need to sign off to go get ready to school. this is the 1st day in this week that i'm going school . HAHAHAHAHA. ciaos Tuesday, February 06, 2007 Y 1:32 PM i had been down with fever for the past two days. it just comes and goes. one moment i thought i am fit enough to go to school, the other moment, i am giving ivy a message telling her that i am unable to meet her to go to school together. sorry ar, ivy. din mean to out aeroplane. attended my little cousin one month's old celebration last sunday. damn it man, how come baby all looks the same when they are still small. carrying my little cousin made me thought back of the time when ashley was a little small baby. ![]() my little cousin. here, some of ashley's recent photos.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
sorry if you see a wired looking man sleeping behind ashley. HAHAHAHA. the photos were taken when me and ashley just woke up and ah boy still sleeping behind. hahaha. speaking of it, ashley now knows how to listen to telephone calls and she would be more than willing to listen to it when you put near her ear. sad to say lar, she will only call papa when she listens to the phone even though it's me taking on the other side of the line. Saturday, February 03, 2007 Y 3:50 PM fcuk it man. i just spend a freaking total of 25 bucks just to give my stupid black shoe a new coat of black paint. nabeh nabeh.. nabeh... can somebody help me stop cursing because i seriously can't stop myself. Friday, February 02, 2007 Y 2:48 PM stupid cheryl stupid cheryl stupid cheryl stupid cheryl... why the hell am i so kaypoh to go and polish my brand new black school shoe and result in my shoe losing the shiny surface. you see, my shoe is the type which has the shiny shiny surface, yesterday i saw some scratches and i wanted to clean it up using ah boy's shoe polish. nabeh, just thinking of it makes me want to vomit blood. the shiny paint came off slowly one by one and it became the normal colour no shiny shiny black colour!!!! laugh lar, laugh lar. i had enough of laughter from ah boy just now already. hai...the flight to australia this june is not yet booked. it it so damn expensive. it will cost about 900 plus to and fro. the stupid airport tax itself already cost 200 plus. don't know why the hell they collect so much tax. nevertheless, by hook or by crook i need to cough up the money and get my butt off to australia this june because i already promise mummy and the rest that i will be there. we had wanted to go there last year but because we had just bought our flat, we postponed the trip to this june. i hope everything will be smooth though. hai..i have got alot to write. continue tomorrow. anyway, i don't feel like welcoming this chinese new year because it would be the year of pig. I HATE PIGS. *shrugs* Thursday, February 01, 2007 Y 7:02 PM finally, i completed the stupid NAFA test. skipped school yesterday because my whole body was aching and i could feel the pain in my stomach even when i laugh too hard or cough. yes. i forgot to say that ah boy, me, ashley and meizi will be flying to australia this coming june to visit mummy and the rest. but the air tickets are so damn expensive. been searching for a cheaper fare on the SIA website. seriously speaking, their webpage is too complicated. i had a hard time looking for what i wanted to find. HAI....i need a job to earn money money so that i can go happy happy. money money!!! |
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