Thursday, September 28, 2006 Y 2:14 PM got alot of errands to run today. i need to buy stuffs for saturday event like nice balloons to decorate the house and some necesstities. my house is going near the completion level and i am so damn excited. because i get to have my own space, own privacy and the most important, i don't get to see that darn mosquito. i hate the buzzing sound of mosquito and i am so happy that all my misery will end soon. haha.. of course there are good times when the house is crowded, but i guess i am still used to quiet homes. one when i won't get awoken from my sleep because of people speaking so loudly. neh, ah boy is going to get very pissed of at me if he reads this entry. haha.. house i come. alvin: seriously speaking, i don't like to eat banana splits. ya. anyway, alot of people say i don't act like a girl either. i guess that's the reason. lol. Wednesday, September 27, 2006 Y 12:14 PM rain rain go away, come again another day. because i wanna go to shopping mall and order a cutie birthday cake for ashley. been doing nothing interesting for the whole of my holidays except cleaning and cleaning and cleaning. interesting huh. i can't wait for saturday. because after the celebration, i can make ashley wear her shoes when i bring her out in future. whaha... nothing much to blog nowadays. just look at how interesting my life is. arghhhhhhhhhhh.... sorry. stupid entry. Sunday, September 24, 2006 Y 11:54 PM it was fun bringing ashley out to tianhui today. brought her to pray and she started making friends already. heh heh.. we put her down on the floor when we were listening to the lecture and something funny happens. ashley was crawling when two other baby girls, who knew how to walk already, started crawling with her. then the three ended up sitting in a circle. it was cute observing them by the side. tired after a whole day event. feels too tirede to update already. looking forward to ashley's one year celebration next saturday. tired. goodnight peeps. Saturday, September 23, 2006 Y 8:22 PM i had never felt so satisfied and yet tiring at the same time. me and ah boy spent the afternoon trying to paint our room. although it has a few patches here and there, we are very satisfied because we have never done any serious painting before. after the painting, i heaved a sigh of relieve because the room looks MUCH more pleasant and MUCH more like a human's room. but painting is really a tiring job. so me and ah boy is asking his dad's friends who are more professional to do it for us and complete for us the job sui sui. i can't wait for my house to be completed because i seriously needs my own space and my own privacy. i am putting up with everything for the thought of my house coming soon. i am working very hard for a perfect house for my family. i cross my fingers and hope for the best. Thursday, September 21, 2006 Y 10:36 PM both me and ah boy had been slacking in our cleaning for our new home. like yesterday, we only cleaned for 3 hours and we called it a day. and today, we didn't even stepped into the house. haha. see, the exthusiam does dies down. bringing ashley out shopping to town with one of my auntys tomorrow. yeah. i had been bringing her out often nowadays that ah boy is asking me to lessen down. haha. ok la. after tomorrow of enjoyment, i have got lots of things to do. like packing my old house, and cleaning my new house. hai. just thinking about it is making me tired. all the shit i have to clean. sian. really very sian. if this isn't the house which belongs to me and ah boy only, i would have totally given up on cleaning the house. i have to stop thinking about the house. i have to think of where to go tomorrow. heh heh.. Wednesday, September 20, 2006 Y 1:40 PM yesterday was a clean-up-my-new-house day. spent the whole day cleaning and washing the dirty floors of my new house with ah boy, mama and ah boy's younger brother. i jumped up a few times when we were cleaning up the kitchen when a few cockroaches ran out. but i managed to destroy their homes and shits. whaha..human victory. we wanted to finish washing the wholes house yesterday but it was too hard. everybody was having backaches by evening time. so we decided to continue today. maybe later. ah boy is having his nap now. cleaning your own house is a real different feeling. it felt good when you cleaned up a black part and manged to get rid of any stains. it feels shiok. i need a rest now before i start the intensive cleaning later. ciaos. ![]() ashley freshly bathed. Monday, September 18, 2006 Y 12:12 PM my mind is in a confusion state now. we finally got the keys to our new home and we can start the cleaning and preparation now. the thing is, the previous owner does not know how to take care of her house and the house is very dirty now. the moment i stepped in the house, i can't help but keep pinching my nose. i don't know why but there is a foul smell. and the flooring. it sucks totally. there are black stains which we have to clean everywhere. this is a big project. we have only about one month to clean the house, paint the house and shift all the stuffs inside. we are running out of time. most importantly, we are also short of funds. this is hard. we have to make the house a cosy one with little funds and ALOT of hard work. nevertheless, i am very determined to make my house a clean and comfortable one. after all, i am looking forward to moving in long ago. i want my own house and my own space. wish me the best of luck peeps. 26 hours to fo for my basic theory test. Sunday, September 17, 2006 Y 10:25 PM i finally got my shoe. whahaha....finally. i went an extra mile to get ashley a small piece of tweety bird cake. i din manage to get the picture of the cake and the cake is currently in ashley's stomach already. heh. waiting for ah boy to come back from his extra duty. he messaged me about two hours ago saying he is coming back soon. wonder where is he now. Y 10:51 AM HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASHLEY!! sian ah. ah boy had extra duty and can't be with ashley on her 1st birthday. never mind la, it's work. we still can celebrate with her during her chinese birthday. have lesson later. sian ah. after that meeting su jing to go far east plaza to get myself a pair of new black shoes. my shoes are worn and torn already. then i am planning to get ashey a piece of cake for her birthday. heh. then.. come back home and slack the night away. haha.. Saturday, September 16, 2006 Y 11:36 AM i am so freaking bored!! please call and ask me out. please. i am dying of boredom soon. Friday, September 15, 2006 Y 7:04 PM ah boy was featured in tonight's chinese newspaper when he arrested a guy in clementi MRT station yesterday. apparently this guy pushed his girlfriend down the MRT track when she wanted a breakup with him. to make matter worse, there was a train approaching the station when he pushed her down. but luckily the girl was fast enough to step onto the side of the outside of the track and kept herself alive. the guy later wanted to run away but was beaten up by the withnesses and they kept him there till the police came. why do i sound like a reporter?? lol. my ambtion was once to be a journalist. but i kept the idea aside when mummy told me that a journalist have to travel away to other countries to do reporting. i may even have to go to countries having war. so i thought, never mind la, i am not so keen on being a journalist either. haha. oh ya, the pictures. ![]() ![]() i like to see ah boy in his unifom. it's so ... so ... don't know how to say. but i just love it. guys always look charming in their uniform. i was thinking of bringing ashley out this coming sunday as it is her birthday. but i forgot that there is this important class that i have to attend. haiz.. and i had to be in the noon from 2pm to 4pm. right in the middle of the day. that means ashley has to stay at home. sian. Thursday, September 14, 2006 Y 9:06 PM phew! finally done. i am going to stop thinking about her and work towards a better tomorrow. i am going to get her out of my mind. no matter what happens. period. Y 6:49 PM yesterday we went and bought ashley's shoe at the lot 1 shopping mall. we were planning on getting only a pair of shoes and a sandals, but because the shoes are too cute, we ended up getting two pair of shoes and a sandals. ![]() the sandals were bought by ah boy. ![]() i like this pair of shoes. it looks sweet. ![]() the two pair of shoes were bought by ah boy's two sisters as needed traditionally. i can't wait for the day when ashley starts walking and call me mummy. ![]() a picture of ashley's latest picture.can you hear?? she is calling mummy. whaha. my basic theory is next tuesday and i seriously am very excited about it. i am thinking what comes after the test if i pass. sponsors for my practical anyone? Wednesday, September 13, 2006 Y 1:14 PM thank you, ah boy. thank you very much. i love you. ah boy was generous enough and bought me a new handphone. although it was a quite a old model, it has the basic funstions that i want. and i am very thankful to ah boy. so, you may see me uploading many photos of ashley soon. whaha. talking about ashley, we're going to a shopping centre and get ashley her first pair of shoes and sandals. ya. her one year old birthday is this sunday but we're celebrating the lunar calender which is on 30th of sep. i can''t wait to see her learn to walk. hmm....can't wait. Tuesday, September 12, 2006 Y 9:15 PM I WANT A MP3 PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sunday, September 10, 2006 Y 11:59 AM i need a bigger brain to store all the words. me and ah boy went for a movie yesterday night and it totally sucks because the movie sucks. trust me. don watch the movie the host. it ain't as nice as it seems to be. heading back to my place later to do my revision. then wait for ah boy to finish work and accompany him home together. surprisingly, he was quite happy that i wanted to wait for him. heh heh.. so sweet..... Friday, September 08, 2006 Y 12:49 PM i did a personality test and the results were quite true. you may want to try that the link. to the person who tagged me and said that i am a pest, you may want to try the test. maybe at the end of the day, you realised that you are the pest. and eh, try to be bold enough to leave your name, because i wanna know what names to avoid when i name my child in future. i don wanna my child to be a wimp and a pest. LIKE YOU. Get to know yourself better Your view on yourself: You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties. The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for: You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true. Your readiness to commit to a relationship: You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person. The seriousness of your love: You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love. Your views on education: Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can. The right job for you: You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life. How do you view success: You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous. What are you most afraid of: You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear. Who is your true self: You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve. Thursday, September 07, 2006 Y 10:59 AM i was reading a copy of this week's 8-days when i came across an article featuring on the Singapore Idols. Joakim Gomez is still the talk of the article. everyone was saying mean things like how badly he sang, how he should had been out of the competition long ago. maybe these people who are so good at critising who can sing and who can't, should give it a try and see. i am not a fan of Joakim's, but i felt the boy should have been treated more kindly with their words. try being comfortable and singing in front of so many people, while you know that some people sitted inside are talking behind you. i bet you can't do that. so singaporeans, please try to be kind and not only know how to talk, talk and talk. then shortly after this article, there is a small paragraph commenting that Germit should try to be more creative when announcing the results rather than keep calling the names of the contestants and asking for the judges' comments. come on, announcing the results only need like 3 seconds to read the name, but the show was 1 whole solid hour. maybe you should stand in and host the show for Germit for three weeks and we see how creative you can get. these are the typical singaporeans. always using their mouths and commenting and not using their brains to think for other people. but at the end of the day, its those who talk more that lose out. they never gain more. Wednesday, September 06, 2006 Y 5:37 PM i am beginning to detest walking on the streets now. things i see on the streets are not pleasing to my eyes. like yesterday night, i was about to board ah boy's vehicle when a big-eyed cat stare back at me. then, when we reached home, a cat was waiting at the lift at the void deck of our block, blocking my way to the lift. ya. i hate cats. i am terrified of them. because the only public transport from my house to my school is the MRT. i get to see loads of ugly singaporeans. some are so scared they can't board the train they don't mind dropping into the tracks because they are standing so near to the edge. some are so scared they can't alight from the train they kept pushing you when the station is still so far away. some are so afraid of standing they act like cats and dogs when they stepped into the train, fighting for a seat. and i hate those women who have legs of a elephant. they like to wear those sandals with heals but they don't know how to control them. i feel like i am walking with a bunch of animals rather than people. or should i say, i felt i was in a zoo. being caged up with all the animals. when reaching home just now, i saw a van with three of the wheels gone and a note sticking on the front mirror of the car. i reckon the owner of the car owes some debts or something. come on la, if you can't pay, then don't own a car la. see. i say i hate walking on the streets now. my holidays are coming and i can't wait for it. holidays coming means..the keys of my new flat are coming too. oh, things can't get better. Tuesday, September 05, 2006 Y 1:45 PM ta da! last project finally completed. i have used up all my energy finishing it despite not feeling well. or say it this way, because i haven't been doing much during the last project, i hope to contribute more in this. ok. i am going to make my way to the polyclinic to see a doctor with ah boy then proceed home to sleep. the weather is damn shiok for a sleeping mood. Sunday, September 03, 2006 Y 10:05 PM my daughter..MY DAUGHTER!! ya la. i am too pissed off to write what happen just now. should i say i am pissed off or should i say i am helpless? i don't know. ah boy and me went to IKEA to shop for some furnitures and we were sourcing for a tv rack. but, we ended home with only a baby chair for ashley. the chair cost us 35 bucks. it doesn't seem expensive but it is also quite costly for a plastic chair. remember i was saying that ah boy never hesitates to spend money on ashley? that brings me back to something interesting yesterday. ah boy transferred me soem money when i said i wanted to bring ashley out yesterday. then when i returned him the money yesterday. he asked me,' why spend so little only?' get the point? he dotes on her ALOT. much more than you can expect. Saturday, September 02, 2006 Y 12:41 PM my weekends are burnt with doing nothing. so, i am going to be a good mother by bringing ashley out later to shopping. with of course, the sponsor of her good father, ah boy. he never hesitates to give money whenever i bring ashley out. we brought ashley to a nearby playground yesterday and she had alot of fun. she enjoyed sliding down the slides at the playground and she ended home with a pair of dirty socks. oops. i think the socks are still in my bag. lol. hmm. mosquito is not at home tthe whole of today and maybe half of tomorrow. thank god man. i was wondering how to survive without ah boy at home today and with that at home the whole day. thank god was by my side. i get to have peace. Friday, September 01, 2006 Y 12:18 PM bear with it. bear with it. the words kept ringing in my mind. just bear with a few more hours and i can don't see her for the next 48 hours. bear with it. bear with it..bear with it.. |
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