Thursday, August 31, 2006 Y 10:50 PM all thanks to you, you and YOU. the whole of next week for me is school and home. home and school. school and home. all for YOUR convenience. thanks huh. it had been a memorable day for me. in the morning, i met up with a few of my secondary school girlfriends and we went back to our school to visit some of our teachers. most of them had already left school and we only saw two of our teachers. the rest had gone elsewhere to further their career. and we saw a few of my classmates who were guys. we heard from some teachers that they had been going back to visit the teachers every year since they graduated. we were surprised because they didn't seem the sentimential sort. then we took a stroll around the school campus. i must say, i miss the times when we were still in secondary school. the times when we don't have to worry about anything and only have to concentrate on our studies. the times when we would sit around in the canteen and gossip about the cute guys in school. the times when we would joke and fool around with the teachers teaching us. i miss secondary school. but i definately don't miss the books. Wednesday, August 30, 2006 Y 3:32 PM i am thankful to god that i am getting my flat soon. because that stupid cousin of ah boy's is killing me with her voice. she is stepping near to my nerves soon. she is already in the red zone. once the time comes. i am going to scream right at her face. nah. i am not going to write about her in my blog. it makes my blog look dirty. i don wanna have to be reminded of her EVERWHERE. because she is practically everywhere ashley is. shit. and her voice is so, is so, let me think of something to say. like irritating buzzing mosquito. i think i still prefer to listen to the buzzing sound of the mosquito then her voice. when i get my flat, i am not going to let in her when she is alone. no matter what. period. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. just one last sentence. she sucks totally. i cant find any good point in her to make me calm down. she's a pest. sorry. i can't stop. only thing i am happy is ah boy totally understands me when i told him, so he is also helping me to get rid of the pest when he haven't done that for a long time. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.stupid pest. get off my back. Monday, August 28, 2006 Y 10:38 PM sorry for not helping much in the ADM project, ivy, angela. i was about to share the pictures i took for ashley when we brought her to bowling yesterday when i was interrupted and i had to close down everything. by the way, ashley loves bowling balls. ![]() i am happy that alot of people have been telling me that ashley looks more like baby girl now. ![]() my two darlings. thanks to my two best pals in school, the ADM project had been successfully finished and i am very grateful to them since i didn't help much in it. i am also impressed at the great information when i went throught the project. great job gals! now i need to put all my effort in the last projet in TPS. to show some people that we can do a better job without their hindrance. ah boy wrote me a sweet note when i made him dinner tonight. it had been a long time since he wrote something to me. in such a sweet manner. love you, my dear. Saturday, August 26, 2006 Y 9:56 AM i think i need to pamper myself more. i think i am looking more like a old haggard auntie already. when i looked at ,yself in the mirror, i see dark rings, blackheads, sleepy eyes, eyebag. shit. i need to do something about it. i am not even 21. first, i need to be on diet. ya lar. laugh your heads out. yes. cheryl wants to be on diet. i started yesterday. i am determined to do it. so, do me a favor by not calling me out for a meal or something like that. maybe you can call me out for a game of bowling or swimming. next, i need to do something about my skin. i need some expensive facial stuff to clear my blackheads and spores. lastly, after all these things, my hair might have grown some longer. i will need to rebond my hair because i look like an auntie when my hair is messy. ta da. remember i told one of my classmate when we went to town one day that i wanna be a chio bu? maybe after all i will. WHAHAH. ok lar. maybe just a bit better looking than now. please give me ALL the support that i might need. Friday, August 25, 2006 Y 10:45 AM my gastric nearly killed me this morning. i woke up early in the morning at 4 plus and i felt the intense pain in my gastric. the pain was so sharp it lead to my back. i tried going to sleep but the pain would always jerk me up. the end result is: i miss school which i am supposed to present a project and i even stayed up late to iron my uniform. dammit. anyway, i am going to get a MC later from the handsome doctor. lol. and erm.. Ashley loves banana!! Thursday, August 24, 2006 Y 4:36 PM yup. i promise to show the pictures that i have taken the stamp of the picture of ashley and me. since i have got nothing much to blog about, i shall share more of ashley recent photos. firest the stamp. ![]() this was the overall picture. now, a more close up one so that you can see the adorable ashley. ![]() the whole of the stamp cost me six bucks when the original price is ten bucks. i am glad i went for the trip. now i shall share a few of ashley's recent pictures. ![]() ashley in her sleeping cot. darn it! she really looks like a boy. luckiy she looks a little more like a girl in the next picture. ![]() i had never shown ashley in her pacifier before. here goes. erm, the cute pacifier is bought by her mother. haha. ![]() sweet dreams everyone. we are supposed to go on a tourism trip with our lecturer to little india, china town and arab street. because our lecturer had forgotten to tell our head about the trip, the head had not aloowed us to go ahead witht the plan. the places we are planning to go maybe a little boring, but i am actually excited about the whole thing. i am looking forward to going into the different races' temple or mosque. the whole class was quite disappointed about it. went bowling with ah boy and hos friends together with ashley. she was excited when sh entered the alley and can't stop wanting to touch the bowling balls. maybe i will post the picture tomorrow. stupid TKS project presentation tomorrow and i still don't know what it is still all about. anyway, i don't care about his project as the module is a stupid one. i need a little more colour in my life. i am bored!! Monday, August 21, 2006 Y 5:50 PM i just came back from the singapore post trip organised by my class adviser. the trip made me want to saluate to the ladies and gentlemen working in singapore post. things that i got to know from the trip:
i enjoyed the the trip and came back with a little present. there is this machine in singpost where you can put your picture on the stamp for your own self-keeping. i made one with ashley and me and it cost me 6 bucks. i shall not post the picture today because i guess most of my classmates are going to post the stamp picture they took in their blog entries today. haha. no la. actually i need to get my phone from the nokia centre later then can post. i think i will post the picture tomorrow. bringing ashley to causeway to collect my phone later. then i can start posting ALOT of her cute pictures here. haha. i miss posting pictures online using my 6670. log on tomorrow to see ashley latest photos tomorrow. ciaos Sunday, August 20, 2006 Y 10:48 AM lunch date with a friend later. boring sunday. ashley out with grandparents. ah boy on extra morning duty. no ashley. no ah boy. boring cheryl boring sunday. period. Saturday, August 19, 2006 Y 9:32 AM so, as i was saying yesterday, there seems to be a trend of getting a driving licence for people around me. some of my classmates are booking their theories together and getting tested together. while at home, ah boy's younger brother is also trying his very best to pass his basic theory. coincidentally, ah boy's younger brother also booked his first two attempts of his basic theory in SSDC, which is surprising because SSDC is sooo far away from their place. after failing the second time which is last thursday, he decided that SSDC is too sway for him so he changed the next test to BBDC. i read the booklet that he had from BBDC and i was a little tempted. it says: get your licence in the shortest time in BBDC. lol. because practically the people in my family got their licence in BBDC and the instructors there are more patient, i am a little tempted to be registered there. anyway, i already have booked MY instructor for future pratical because he is a friend of ah boy's sister. i think i might be going private after all, because i already have got a good instructor and the fees are LOADS more cheaper. pardon me. i am day-dreaming. i haven't even sat for my basic theory. i just woke up so.. lol. ah boy is supposed to be off on a precious sunday tomorrow, but..alas!! he have got extra morning shift duty because of the national day rally thing. *sighs* i guess it would be a long sunday tomorrow. Friday, August 18, 2006 Y 6:55 PM shit la. i finished typing a whole chunk of words..then, i turned around anf played with a baby... then.. i accidentally pressed on something on the keyboard and everything is erased. i am too lazt\y to continue and re-type everything. i am just too SWAY today. i don't want to talk about it anymore. Thursday, August 17, 2006 Y 6:46 PM i nearly had a panic attack trying to do the necessary arrangements for my younger brother's NS thing. but everything had calmed down already. tomorow we had this stupid party in class and i am supposed to cook agar agar which i seriously don't know how to. ask me to cook sushi and spagetti, no peopblem. ask me to cook agar agar? i only know how to cook. so, i am thinking, to ask ah boy's mum to help me later. lol. i was complaining in my previous that $4 for the budget to cook the agar agar is too little. never did i realise that the agar agar powder only cost me $2. haha. so i have to cook the agar agar and bring it ALL the way down to bishan. i can expect alot of stares from the strangers tomorrow in the train. i can't wait for my basic theory. i need a cold bath now. i had been so busy until now. maybe after that a nap would do me a great favour. ahh......... Wednesday, August 16, 2006 Y 4:00 PM i've finally booked my basic theory. the date to take my test is on the 19th of sep. i can't wait for it and had even read finish half of the theory textbook. something interesting happen though. the receptionist was apparently one of my classmate's boyfriend's friend, whom my classmate dislike her alot. she was praying hard that we won't be called tot eh counter but she nearly fainted when we did. we didn't know whether she knew my classmate but i can sense that she also felt uncomfortable. at the speed that she was speaking, she could have outran a train. then when i really couldn't catch what she was saying and i asked her to slow down, she looked very frustrated. i had a peek at her name tag and she was named joanne. a name i disliked. haha..that was quite interesting. i am starting to visualize myself driving already. most probably in ah boy's dad's lorry. but i have the goal of buying a car to drive ah boy and ashley around. i am waiting for that day. anyway, there's this stupid class party on firday and i am suppose to make agar agar with the budget of $4. what the hell..what a tight budget i am working on. and... my class have quite a number of childish people who keep digging up on the past and telling people. they are even older people than me. code of the day: never judge a book by its cover. even if it is beautiful. Tuesday, August 15, 2006 Y 8:51 AM i am going to take the first step towards my goal of having a driving license. i am going to fly to SSDC after school ends early today to book for my basaic theory test. i hope there is a slot early next month. i don wanna have to wait too long. i had been struggling whether or not to book because i keep thinking that even if i have successfully passed my basic and advance theory, i would have problems paying for the practical.but anyway, i decided not to bother too much and take the test first. maybe by then, mummy would get to know about it and wants to sponsor me. i hope though. haha. ashley is learning new things as the days goes by. of course, the good and the bad things all at a time. that day when we went back home late night, she was sitting at the sofa and learning how to call pa pa pa. and she would blow her cheeks and closing her mouth and opening it again and again. don't understand? go look at a goldfish and you would get the picture. talking about the bad things, she is very impatient and wants to do things in her own way. sometimes, she would slap you if you don't go her way. i am starting to feel worried on how we're going to discipine her when she grows up. we hope she don't turns out to be like ah boy's cousin because they share the same chinese zodiac as the year of rooster. alot had been saying things "like next time like her lor. " i cross my fingers. i wonder should i go tonight? to a place where i dread? should, should not, should, should not, should, should not........ Sunday, August 13, 2006 Y 11:31 PM loads of wonderful things happened to me today. early in the morning, me and ah boy went to the audio house, wanting to see whether is there any sale for MP3 player. but we found that there is alreay none left. thus, i thought we won't be getting anything there. but! ah boy was generous and bought me a MP4 2GB player. then, he suggested going to KTV. i was surprised because i hasn't expected him wanting to spend money again after the huge amount he spent on my MP4 player. after the KTV session, we went for dinner at a sushi resturant. which also cost another bomb. i am so pleasantly surprised and happy. thank you ah boy. i love you. Saturday, August 12, 2006 Y 10:40 AM i was reading through my previous entries when i realised that i was very happy in the past. it seems that my recent entries seem very low in morale and i sounded very negative. i didn't want it to be this way. i want to be the happy, cheerful cheryl which everyone knows. i want to be happy!! Friday, August 11, 2006 Y 10:54 PM why? why? why? why? the three letters had been appearing on my mind throughout the whole night. why me again? why? i just wanna curse. GODDAMNIT Sunday, August 06, 2006 Y 4:59 PM i don't like the feeling of being insecure. but i can't help it but keep having the feeling after the trip from malaysia. i don't want to write it down. but less think about it. things are going on like a roller coaster. it can go high up in the sky. or as long as the bed of the sea. it had been a boring yet eventful sunday. i woke up in the morning, then we had to pray our ancestors and everything only calmed down a few hours ago. ah boy is working night shift. it had been ages since he is working night shift. ya. his leave ends today. i miss the weekends where the house is quiet and the family would be slacking in their own rooms. For the memory of love is sweet, though the love itself were in vain. And what I have lost of pleasure, assuage what I find of pain.-- Lyster Y 12:50 AM i am so sorry that i am changed my blogskin the number of times i change my clothes everyday. haha..i am sick and tired of the colour black already. i needed something more refreshing. i think i lack some pictures and i need some professional help in here. *hints ivy* what are friends for? haha.. everything now tells me it's time for bed. sweet dreams everyone.. Saturday, August 05, 2006 Y 5:33 PM sometimes i don't know why i have to make myself unhappy to make others happy. it started with the malaysia trip yesterday. the person i don't fancy at all came along with us but i didn't mind abit at all. i thought i would be a good wife and try to be friendly to her and talk to her things like that. things were ok in the beginning, but in the later part, she started to take it that i like her already and started to be touchy with ah boy. i hate it when other girls touch him. i don't want to write what she did in here, but.. you better keep your dirty smelly hands off my guy. wait till i lose patience one day and i would give you a big surprise. you. that reminds me. please go and learn how to spell SHAME because others will know when it is the time to keep away. unlike you. you are like a sticky super smelly disgusting glue. next. yesterday night, everybody in the family had to report their whereabouts and timetable for the whole of next week because some people out of their own convenience, outs people at their inconvenience. just because they wants to see their son, they want people here to cancel their appointments and look after their son so that they can just pop in at night then clean their butts and go back to their home. ya? nothing wrong with that? they leave without their son and leave the people here sweating like hell. and.. i hate to share things. just typing all these things out is enough to make my blood boil. ya. that brings me back to the question. why have i to be unhappy so that people are happy? can't i change the pattern and make myself happy instead? meanwhile, i need to keep myself in absolute calm. Thursday, August 03, 2006 Y 2:00 PM erm..i realised some people have my link which i apparently don't know. i think i must speak carefully now. whaha.. Y 9:46 AM they did not do something against me..but, i just hate it when they call upon him for some gatherings or whatsoever. is it ok to feel jealous against some people? ya. that is all in the past but..i just can't help it but feel that insecure feeling. i shoould be happy that he is so wanted by the crowd but..sometimes i hope that he would just be the normal-not-so-funny type. but on the other hand, it is his happy style that attracted me to him. i think i am just scared that they are also attracted by his style. must i always make myself unhappy to make him happy? i just said, some things can't be helped. i think woman always have a different thinking compare to men, and woman, is the one giving in most of the time. i think. oohh....1 last day of school and the shopping trip to malaysia!! haha..i know i am making a big deal out of this, but, i like going somewhere else where nobody knows us with him because he would always be extra protective of me. last last verdict for yesterday's confusion, we would be going to rotten mango's class later. cross my fingers and hope that the hour would pass by smoothly. if i don't update later, it means phew. we'll see how. meanwhile, take care. ciaos.. Wednesday, August 02, 2006 Y 4:25 PM hmm..i am still struggling whether i still want to attend rotten mango's class. latest verdict, we are going to skip for the last time. haha.. anyway, i was telling ah boy that i need a MP3 player because the old one is going to be dead soon. guess what he said? he said ok lor, see when free we go buy together. awww...isn't it so sweet of him? we'll be going to a shopping trip to malaysia this coming friday. talking about friday, my SW teacher humilited me by telling me off in front of the whole class last week that i don't have a MC to cover because my knee is painful. he said that if i am going to report to him without a mc again, he is going to mark me zero for the day. that means, if i am going to malaysia this friday, i am going to miss his lesson and get a big fat zero. i don't care anyway. haha.. i can't wait for friday. seriously can't wait.. Tuesday, August 01, 2006 Y 8:37 AM i am still thinking of you, my friend.. |
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