Monday, July 31, 2006 Y 12:07 PM the start of monday every week is starting to be very sway for me. i am starting to be afraid of mondays. i overslept and thus skipped school i forgot i got to send an email about my project to a classmate of mine today. shit. i will be meeting up with a few of my friends with ah boy later at a KTV to celebrate a very old friend's birthday. if i sees the two of them later, i wouldn't be talking to them. even if they are the ones who starts the conversation, i wouldn't be speaking to them. i wouldn't even want to look at them. the sight of them makes me want to puke. yup..ashley knows how to crawl a few step already. but she needs to have a motivation in front of her before she is willing to start crawling. for example, you need to place a toy not very far from her to have her start crawling. cute. and she is starting to know how to throw her temper and i believe, that she is learning to speak. aiyo..i can't wait for her to grow up soon and go shopping with me. in the meantime, please pray hard that i won't oversleep again. Sunday, July 30, 2006 Y 6:26 PM it's amazing how time pass so fast. it had been a week since i started school and everything is more on less on track. it had kind of been a different term for me. i am now more used to waking up in the middle of the night and tending to ashley, nad, on the other hand, i still can wake up in time for school. the weather has been changing fast nowadays so..bring an umbrella when you leave the house. went to bukit panjang plaza with ah boy and ashley. hapy. haha.. latest update!! ashley knows how to crawl already!! yeah!! Friday, July 28, 2006 Y 7:43 PM i thought i have alot to say when i come online. but i am speechless when i am on this blank page. erm..let's see.something interesting. a girlfriend's girlfriend broke up with her girlfriend. ashley is ablt to speak with her cousin using baby's language. that's all. i have nothing better to do already. until i remember what i wanna write. u can say this entry is stupid. haha..YA!! i remember an important one. AH BOY'S LEAVE START FROM TOMORROW ONWARDS!! Thursday, July 27, 2006 Y 11:00 PM my whole body is aching so much, i am wondering how to do SW tomorrow in school. i had wanted to go get a mc from the doctor to excuse me from SW rtomorrow. but ont the other hand thiking, why spend so much just to get that damn piece of paper. anyway.. i can happily not see that mosquito for a few days or even a week over here because that mosquito had just stepped on ah boy and ah boy is trying to kill it mentally. heh moods are lifted up immediately. tomorrowis finally friday. school had started for one week and i am feeling so so tired. mentally and physically. i am looking forward to october holidays already. did i say ah boy will be on one week leave from saturday onwards? yup. he will be on leave. with me. heh heh... Wednesday, July 26, 2006 Y 10:47 PM a classmate of mine step on my toe today and i am going to step on her entire foot back. at least i am fairer at least i have a good man who wants to settle with me. at least technology can help me in making me look more beautiful. at least there is someone out there who is willing to wear the ring for me unlike you. evil.. i realise that i am getting meaner by the day because of the people i am interacting with. this is so unlike me. ah boy had said that i have changed in my behaviour sice i started hanging out with some of the people in ITE. this is mabe the changing step in one of the phrase in my life. i am going to attend rotten mongo's class tomorrow. shit. it means.. tie my hair.. take out my ring.. pretending to be attentive in class. both school and handling home matters are wearing me out. but.. Ashley very cute!! heh heh.. Tuesday, July 25, 2006 Y 4:35 PM i feel like chopping up my knees ao that it won't hurt so much when i accidentally land on my left knee or when i bend down to wash my clothes. i know you don't know, i also don't know what the hell happened to my knee. it just hurt suddenly just like that. amazing huh?? school started yesterday and when i told a classmate of mine that she had gone slimmer, she claimed back to me that i have grown fatter. @#%$* at least i didn't do the things you did just to go slimmer, woman. i think it's high time i go on a diet. i haven't been eating anything until now and amazing i don't feel hungry. i told a classmate of mine when we went shopping in town during the holidays: i wanna be a chio bu!! haha. and she was like deh.. ah boy went to work at 2 pm in the afternoon, earlier then he was usual when he is on night shift because he had to take his IPPT. i hope he come back with good results. one of his friends whom always avoid IPPT apparently took his as scheduled. when asked by ah boy, he said in a very proud tone: ya la!! i took mine. I FAILED!! and while he was saying this, he was showing alot of funny gestures. hai..i miss my ah boy.. erm..i am a little broke. money anyone?? heh heh.. Monday, July 24, 2006 Y 6:40 PM first day of school and everything is going very sway for me. nothing could go more worse for me. first, i dropped my phone the moment i reached the school carpark. my battery dropped out of my phone. then i was like oh shit. the phone fell quite a distance away from me. luckily a nice schoolmate helped me picked up my phone. then, when i was walking up the stairs to the assembly area, i slipped and nearly fell. it was godamn embarrassing. next, i realised that we have a project due on thursday which we really haven't started yet. ya. talking about the project. this is what i really want s to talk about. one of my classmate and i thought that the project wasn't started yet at all. but we didn't know that we are already in someone's group and that someone had actually done quite alot for the project already. we thought that we would be assigned to do the rest of the things since we haven't contributed much. then came the thing. we are to do whatever she says and we really don't have a say in anything. i thought by giving some suggestions, it shows that i am interested or i belong to the group. but i am turned down by everything i suggested. this would be the last time i am doing a project in a same group as her. and... my knees are killing me!! Sunday, July 23, 2006 Y 11:43 AM everybody is so busy in the family except me. ah boy is helping his uncle shift house. ashley is out with her aunty and grandparents. ah boy's younger brother sleeping. his sister talking on the phone. me? wasting my time away at the computer. anyway, today marks the last day of my happy holiday. i miss my friends in school, but i rather miss them then to miss ah boy. heh heh.. this describe my feelings now: ![]() so blue.. i hve already gotten the plans for me and ah boy's first anniversary and i can't wait for it. our first anniversary will be celebrated without ashley. heh heh.. we'll see how the year after next. i can't wait for october, for my flat. then december, for my first wedding anniversary. hmm..i hope ah boy come back soon. i am dying of boredom. A wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance, and tenacity. The order varies for any given year.-- Paul Sweeney Saturday, July 22, 2006 Y 11:29 PM sometimes i feel so tired i think i am going to die. of sourse i won't die so easily, i still have loads of things in the world i have not done. but at the very least, i would like to faint int he middle of the streets because i would be so tired to go home on my own. if i faint, i won't have to find the strength to move around. it had been tiring looking after ashley throughout the holidays. but i don't regret it at all. not a bit. not even a little. she grows older everyday and she learns new things everyday. i am relieved that i am by her side watching her grow and witnessing the things that she learns. like she now knows how to shakes her head(i wish she knows how to nod though) and the most recent, she knows how to scratch her head if she is confused with something. something i hate most is that she is regonizing people and she would stand at the gate and crys if somebody leaves the house. i hate the look when she would look at you at her pair of sad eyes. anyway, behind all this sweetness is all the hard work. the late sleepings, waking up in the middle of the night to feed milk and change diapers, waking up early in the morning, chasing after her when she would touch and pull things off the table.. aww..mommys are such noble yet poor creatures. i love you, mommy. it had been along time since i said.. i love my guy and the little girl. Friday, July 21, 2006 Y 2:11 PM i hate it when his whatever godsiter, godmother call on him. pui. i have been doing nothing much these two days except to idle around. of course, and doing all the whatever housewives are doing. luckily ivy called and asked me out yesterday. school is starting next monday and i have nothing to say but.... sucks.. Tuesday, July 18, 2006 Y 9:49 AM i woke up in shock. luckily everything is just a dream. i don't know what to do if it was true. i know i will have a nervous breakdown because i nearly did in the dream. my mind is in blank now. i am still in shock. i had a nightmare that ah boy was shot in the stomach when he was doing duty. gosh. just by typing it down makes me feel a little scared. i woke up in shock and called him immediatey (he was on night shift yesterday) and was relieved that it really was a dream. i think i need to go to the temple and pray. heh.. ah boy: i am sorry for my nasty temper most of the time.heh. i will try to be amore understanding partner and listen to your woes and share your happiness more in future. i will, i try, stop nagging at you. i did not realise, until this morning, that you are actually so important in my heart. take care always. sorry i sound so mushy. heh heh... Monday, July 17, 2006 Y 12:14 PM reasons why i think i am quite pathetic:
reasons why i think i am a blessed girl:
reason i think why i am dying: i am so damn bored and tired. sorry. i just don't have anything better to write. ah boy went to the supermarket to buy fries. we are going to cook later together. i don understand why the hell i agree because i am so tired. i need a nap. Sunday, July 16, 2006 Y 3:13 PM i am so godamn bored. can somebody please call and ask me out... ok. i need to get the notebook VCD and the storybook itself. by tonight!! haha.. i told you i am very very bored. and there is nobody to talk crap with me online. ahhhhhhhh...the day seem very long. Y 11:35 AM i killed the mosquito. hahahah... i woke up early in the morning and i saw the irritating mosquito sitting beside my bed lookint at ashley. that b****. i controlled my anger then i try to calm myself down. i took ashley to the void deck to avoid her. then when i brought her up for a bath, i saw her again. she was following me around. that damn mosquito. i cannot control anymore. i asked her to go do her own stuff and don keep playing with ashley. she was shocked and had left me alone until now. hahaha... i am in a good mood now. i am starting to know how to kill mosquito. bringing ashley out later to pass some stuff to my friend to pass it to my daddy and mummy in australia. the price? i have to bring ashley along to let her see. no choice. she is just too cute. haha.. last day of ah boy's extra duty. finally. his assistant team leader had been extremely kind to him. he has given him a few off days the last time. and he had given him time off today. then he gave him time off to come back early tomorrow night when ah boy is supposed to work night shift. thank you, Jais my sunday seem alot more better now. Saturday, July 15, 2006 Y 11:51 AM i watched pirates of the carribean-the dead man chest yeaterday night with ah boy. and.. i can't wait for part three to come!! haha.. i did a personality test on my email just a moment ago and surprisingly, the results are close to what i am. i will share with you just the answers and the results i got the ones in redare the results. here goes: 1) arrange the following animals according to what you like most. this is what i got: -sheep love -tiger pride -cow career -pig money -horse family 2) use a word to describe the following animals. -dog (cute) this is your personality (yeah!!) haha -cat (evil) the personality of your partner (oh no!!) -rat (dirty) the personality of your enemies -coffee (brown) how you interpret sex -sea (blue) how you interpret your life 3) match a person in your life who knows you and you think are important with the following colours: white- ah boy he is your twin soul orange-jianfen a true friend green-ivy someone you will remember for the rest of your life yellow-ashley someone you wil never forget red-roy someone you love ( the way, roy is my younger brother) i am very pleased with some of the results but i do hope that some of the answers are not true know what i mean. ah boy working and i am soooo lovesick. maybe because nobody at home can fool around with me and i have to act very decent. you know? haha.. Friday, July 14, 2006 Y 2:09 PM i had the sweetest dream ever yesterday night. no... i don dream of ah boy and me.. but.. i dreamt that France and Italy soccer players are invited to my secondary school to play the final match of the worls cup. haha..and the players are just brushing past me when i am entering the school compound. the best thing is.. JAPAN PLAYERS ARE THERE TOO!! they are actting like guest players and they are invited as VIPs. that prince charming Nakata is there too!! just when i feel excited that i am finally going to meet my prince charming, ashley ad to ry and wake me up from my dream. TA!! everything is over. i am still the same. nakata is still far away from me. ![]() see..i told you he's my prince charming. my brother told me a devasting news. Nakata had retire from football!!!! how could he!! erm..leave me alone..i need to mourn. Thursday, July 13, 2006 Y 6:42 PM i seriously thinks i am going to BURST and throw my temper at her. ask her to f*** out of my life and leave my daughter alone. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want my flat and get ride of that irritating mosquito. a dirty, irritating, unlikable idiotic mosquito. i need to buy a dozen, no, two dozen of insect repellent to kill that pest. pui. curses. curses. curses to her. the more i think of my weekend, the more i feel like killing myself. please make yourself free to attend my funeral. but i think on that day, my funeral will be buzzing with ALOTS of irritating mosquitoes. pui. or maybe ask that mosuito to go and die so that i won't have to die and left my love ones behind. nobody will cry for a dead mosquito. yeah. i think i will address her as the mosquito from now on. sucky news yesterday: my brother won't be coming back to Singapore as planned on august. it had actually been delayed till novemember. but the latest news, he got a place in a big(according to him) company and they had signed a six months contract. he won't be coming back at all if the job prospect if good. ya. he will be staying there for good. shit. it means that mosquito will be buzzing all the way to my house if she knows that it is only me and ashley in the house. i think i will. definately. shut the bloody door at her bloody face if she dares to come knocking on my door. i think i don't wanna be a career woman now. i wanna be a mosquito killer. because that irritating mosquito is still buzzing behind me. please. F**** off. Thank you. Wednesday, July 12, 2006 Y 4:26 PM 1st appointment for the HDB is finally over. i am one big step closer to having my own house. i am sorry i keep blabbering about the notebook in my last two entries like it is my life. sorry..but... IT REALLY IS A NICE SHOW!! gotcha.. ah boy had to rushed back to work because two of his idiotic collegues have taken MC. his collegues nowadays have took turn to take MCs because they want to make a fool of their assistant team leader. but they did not realise that they are doing it at the expense if their fellow collegues. everybody have to work doubly hard to cover up the work of those not around. curses to those who are not sick but have taken MCs. then come the next bad news.. ah boy has to work extra morning shift on his off day this saturday. adn the normal morning shift on sunday. i hate it when ah boy has to work on weekends. then came the biggest bad news.. ashley's cousin is coming over to stay for the weekend.his parents are going to malyasia for a day tour and we have to look after their baby for them. they can leave him over at the babysitter side. but i donno why they want their babysitter to bring him over on saturday. when they don't have the time to look after him. they expect us to look after him. then..on sunday, we have to carry the baby all the way back to woodlands to the babysitter. and i am the unlucky one that ah boy's mother had picked. she say to carry ashley together and go with her. what a bloody weekend i am heading myself towards to. Tuesday, July 11, 2006 Y 10:00 AM i am totally crazy about the notebook after i saw the website featuring about the casts and the story of the notebook. call me crazy anything i love the notebook. i wanna get the book itself, the dvd and the poster. ALL BY NEXT WEEK!! ya. please say i am crazy. Monday, July 10, 2006 Y 2:09 PM my favourite movie, the notebook. i have only seen it once and i feel in love with it instantly. this only only some of the main extracts in the show. ![]() rachel mcadams ![]() ryan gosling Allie Hamilton (Rachel McAdams)-the main actress in the movie Noah Calhoun (Ryan Gosling)-the main actor, her lover Allie: What happens if a car comes? Noah: You die. Allie: What!? Noah: Just relax. Just trust. You need to learn how to trust. Duke [reading]: Southern summers are indifferent to the trials of young love. Armed with warnings and doubts Noah and Allie gave a remarkably convincing portrayal of a boy and a girl travelling down a very long road with no regard for the consequences. Duke [reading]: It was an improbable romance. He was a country boy. She was from the city. She had the world at her feet while he didn't have two dimes to rub together. Mrs. Hamilton: That child's got too much spirit for a girl of that circumstance. Mr. Hamilton: Nah, it's just summer love. Mrs. Hamilton: "Trouble" is what it is! Noah: All it needs is a new floor and walls and roof. Allie: Is that all? Noah: And plumbing and electrical. Allie: And some furniture. Noah: Yeah, and some furniture. But it's right on the water and there's also a barn up there. I could turn that into my work shop. Allie: Well what about me? Now don't I get any say in this? Noah: You want a say in this? Allie: Yes I would. Noah: What do you want? Allie: I want a white house with blue shutters and a room overlooking the river so I can paint. Noah: Anything else? Allie: Yes! I want a big ole porch wrapped around the whole house. We can drink tea and watch the sun go down. Noah: Ok. Allie: You promise? Noah: Uh huh. Promise. Allie: Good! Mrs. Hamilton: I didn't spend 17 years of my life raising a daughter and giving her EVERYTHING so she can throw it away on a summer romance. Allie: Daddy! Mrs. Hamilton: She'll wind up either heart broken or pregnant. Now he's a nice boy. He's a nice boy but he's - Allie: What!? He's what!? Mrs. Hamilton: Trashy! Trash! Trash! He's not for you! Duke [reading]: Summer romances end for all kinds of reason. But, when all is said and done, they ahve one thing in common - they are shooting stars, a spectacular moment of light in the heavens, a fleeting glimpse of eternity and in a flash they are gone. Duke [reading]: She agreed with all her heart but couldn't understand why, at the moment she said yes, Noah's face came to mind. [In response to Lon asking her to marry him] Duke [reading]: In time Noah finished the house. He took a good look at what he had accomplished, got rip roaring dunk for 10 days, thought seriously about setting it on fire, then finally decided to put the house up for sale. Dr. Barnwell: So I understand that you read to Mrs. Hamilton. Duke: Yep, to help her remember. Dr. Barnwell: Hmmmmm Duke: You don't think it'll help? Dr. Barnwell: No I don't. Duke: She remembers doc. I read to her and she remembers. Not always, but she remembers. Dr. Barnwell: Dimentia is irreversible. It's degenerative. After a certain point it's victims don't come back. Duke: That's what they keep telling me. Dr. Barnwell: Well I just don't want you to get your hopes up. Duke: Well thanks doc, but you know what they say, science goes only so far and then comes God. Dr. Barnwell: Then comes God. Allie: Why are you looking at me like that? Noah: Just a memory. [drinks beer] This room. Allie: It was real wasn't it? You and me. Such a long time ago we were just a couple of kids. We really loved each other didn't we? I should go. Maggie: She seems good today. Duke: She is good. I don't know - there's something about today. Maybe it's a day for a miracle. Mary Ellen: Daddy, come home. Momma doesn't know us. She doesn't recognize you. She'll never understand. Maggie: We miss you. This is crazy. You living here. Edmund: Yeah, yeah - we'll all help with mom. We, we can take shifts visiting. Duke: Look guys, that's my sweetheart in there. I'm not leaving her. This is my home now. Your mother is my home. Allie: And you really did it. Noah: What? Allie: Everything. The house. It's beautiful what you did. Noah: Well I promised you that I would. Allie: Why didn't you write me? Why!? It wasn't over for me. I waited for you for seven years. And now it's too late! Noah: I wrote you 365 letters. I wrote you every day for a year. Allie: You wrote me? Noah: Yes! It wasn't over. Still isn't over. [kisses her] Letter on headboard from Noah to Allie: You looked so peaceful I couldn't wake you. Gone to get breakfast. Be back soon.P.S.: Follow the arrows for a surprise. Noah: You're bored! You're bored and you know it! You wouldn't be here if there weren't something missing. Allie: You arrogant son of a bitch! Noah: Would you just stay with me? Allie: Stay with you? What for? Look at us, we are already fighting. Noah: Well that's what we do. We fight. You tell me when I'm being an arrogant son of a bitch and I tell you when you are being a pain in the ass. Which you are 99% of the time. I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings. You have like a two second rebound rate and yoru back do doing the next pain in the ass thing. Allie: So what. Noah: So it's not going to be easy. It's going to be really hard. And we're going to have to work at this every day. But I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, every day. Noah: What do you want? What do you want? Allie: It's not that simple. Noah: What do you want? Goddamit, what do you want? Allie: It's not that simple. Noah: The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That's what I hope to give you forever. Allie: Wow, so many pills - how sick are you? Noah: Sickness has become a relative term for me. I think of it now as more of a wearing out process. Allie: I need to ask you something. Noah: What is it sweetheart? Allie: Do you think that our love can create miracles? Noah: Yes I do. That's what brings you back to me each time. Allie: Do you think our love can take us away together? Noah: I think our love can do anything we want it to. Allie: I love you. Noah: I love you Allie. Allie: Good night. Noah: Good night. I'll be seeing you. they died together after that night. this is such a romantic story.. you might want to watch the movie or read the book to feel it. the whole part of the show. Sunday, July 09, 2006 Y 3:33 PM oohhhh......i can repair my phone finally!! apparently ah boy made some big bucks by betting on the world cup yesterday. haha..and i made a bet with him that if he won, he has to sponsor me to repair my phone. haha..i didn't know that he would keep to his words. i will be bringing ashley later to a prayer hall to face all the people that has been talking behind our backs. i am going to show them what a cute girl ashley is. ![]() i found this upon a website. ang mohs babies are so damn cute. me: ah boy, will we still be holding hands when we both are at the age of 40 plus to 50 plus? ah boy: see first lor. me: huh? why? ah boy: see i free, then i will hold. he just don't like to show his side of affection. Saturday, July 08, 2006 Y 12:51 PM i have gotten the things that i needed yesterday. by the time of 1935 hours. ah boy and me wanted to bring ashley go..but in the end, it ended up with me and ashley only because ah boy wanted to rush back to watch football. so.. me and ashley went shopping together!! and i came across many ugly singaporeans..
haha.. number four happened today. and he is still doing so. making it worse by putting the stuff he digged on my computer. stupid guy. it's the love that bindsus together. even all the digusting things he did.. i still take him as my guy. heh. Friday, July 07, 2006 Y 10:08 AM things i need by 2395 today:
i am feeling very depressed now because things haven't been going on my way. some people will be dropping by later which makes my mood even bad. i think. i know. and i want. MY OWN FLAT. i can;t think of anything more decent to say but.. I WANT MY OWN FLAT. i think i am going bersak soon. i need maybe a hug or a kiss. heh heh..ah boy is coming home soon.. what are you thinking? Thursday, July 06, 2006 Y 12:03 PM it started raining real heavy this morning. i had a good sleep. haha.. ah boy came back from work tired this morning. then he has to report for night duty again later. poor thing. i hope i can do something to wear off his tiredness. i hope everything ends soon. he told me he has the urge to quit. but he doesn't know what to do to get the same pay he is having. i hope my course ends soon. so i can work and help him lighten the burden. and.. splurge on myself and ashley!! haha i am feeling so bored i am starting to talk crap to ivy and my brother on msn. what a pathetic way to spend my holidays. things you need to have a happy holiday: 1) company- find friends who are as bored as YOU. who have nothing better to do like YOU. 2) good places to go- you can't have so much fun shopping all the long. you need to have a good timetable for fun. 3) big money- i reckon you need to have money to complete the things you want to do. everything from drinking to buying stuffs needs money. i realised out of the 3 main points above, i have only half of the company. haha.. ah..i am starting to feel restless.. boring holidays..boring cheryl.. Tuesday, July 04, 2006 Y 10:06 PM my pedicure is ruin. don't ask me why. i also don't know. whahah... spent a sort of tai tai afternoon with ivy. but it cost me big bucks and it sucks. ha. ivy suddenly suggested getting our basic theory this holidays because she wants to get her car fast. stupid girl. she don't know you need money to get the car. not license. then..when i am bathing just awhile ago, she called vey urgently to say that she wants to book tomorrow morning for a test during the evening tomorrow. on the same day. stupid girl. haha..see how stupid a person can be when you wants something so badly? haha.. i need a shaking cot for ashley soon. she sleeps better in a shaking cot, which she has one in her grandparents room/ but i don know why they kind of shaking off my idea when i want to put her in the cot. during the weekend when her little cousin comes, ashley has to give up the cot to him. i thought i am the one who bought the cot. i thought ashley owns the cot. why do i have to give up everything to him when his own parents don care so much? i only have a daughter. not a son. i am sorry i sound so mean. ah boy's TL is so sucky that she wants everybody to wait for everybody to return to the station then they can be dismissed and homed. now, at this very moment, he is still waiting in the office, doing nothing. they have a stupid gathering of steamboat dinner this coming thursday. ah boy's off day. why do they have to disturb his off days? i feel so demoralised typing this entry. everything seems so sucky. i hope tomorrow turns better.. Y 11:57 AM second day of holiday.. it seems like a year.. please... somebody call and ask me out... whahahaha... bowling yesterday with ahboy was very fun. i donno why but i played very well. haha..i even beat ah boy in a game. it was plain lucky. just when i was thinking i am very lucky, i went to the jackpot room to further test my luck. it seems that... i am not so lucky after all.. i lost 10 bucks in 10 minutes time. curses to the stupid damn machine.. meeting ivy later to town later. finally somebody called me to ask me out. whahaha... i need to go make mei mei go out liao..whahah.. till we meet again... imissahboy Monday, July 03, 2006 Y 10:16 AM god was kind to us yesterday. we brought ashley to the zoo and it was sunny hot. it was, of course, better than to rain. we took some interesting pictures.. ![]() this was taken when ashley had a taste of sour lemon. she was quite happy that she had gotten hand of the tissue. ![]() she was very happy in the picture because she gets to hold the bottle on her hand. haha..what are babies thinking? ![]() she just loves pointing at people and things. ![]() ashley with her grandparents and cousin. look at how sweet she is smiling.. ![]() a very slack ashley. ![]() aww...happy family!! and so..we spent the whole day at the zoo. i will be meeting ah boy later for a game of bowling. ya. again. haha..we had been enjoying playing bowling together lately. only two of us. heh heh.. ya. i forgot to mention. i am free. i am having my holidays. please call to ask me out. ha. i need money to repair my phone. anyone?? Saturday, July 01, 2006 Y 4:34 PM something cocked up just now, but all went well already. wedding dinner later at orchard hotel. ah boy called some of his classmates and realised that most of them are not going. sian. but we still have to go. haha.. we're bringing ashley to the zoo tomorrow!! haha..once again, i prayed hard that it won't rain tomorrow. nothing much happened..nothing to blog. |
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