Friday, June 30, 2006 Y 8:20 PM i did alot of shopping alone today. but at least i got what i wanted for tomorrow's wedding dinner. i hope i won't get another wedding invitation soon other than the october one by my cousin. i am running out of ideas what to wear. ah boy and me are bringing ashley to the zoo this coming sunday. i hope it won't rain like the last time. i really want to bring her out this time. ah boy is working today, as usual. but i had a great time with him yesterday. but i am too lazy to type here. haha.. imisstheguy Wednesday, June 28, 2006 Y 4:39 PM ohhhhh....i am soooooo excited. i am meeting ah boy and his collegues later at bukit batok for a game of bowling. it had been a long time since we bowled. i wanted to bring ashley along, but she had fallen asleep. maybe other day. haha..on the other hand, i get to enjoy myself without worrying about her. it had been a week since they had brought him away. my peace had came back and i am thankful of it. i hope it will remain this way till i got my own flat. i am now trying to be a patient girl and wait for ah boy's call before i sprint out of the house. you can see how excited i am. i want a date with him.... Y 9:11 AM sorry. i know i have changed my template ample of times already. because my brother says the previous one took a long time to load, my friend say the picture by the side is too big. hence, i decided to change a better one. i hope this is a better one. i have been at this for hours and i am still trying to figure out some other things. i saw taiwanese singer, Wu Qi Long on the train yesterday. then i saw Wu Bai when i alighted from the train. then i saw a malay guy whose hair is thrice the length of my hair. these are just the funny things that i saw yesterday. i realised i now have the habit of looking at people, in terms of their appearance or behaviour, in the train when i am on the way to school. sad to say, i see alot of ugly singaporean. some are damn scared they don have a seat in the train. some are sleeping away and moving their heads here and there. some are squeezing in their seats that you are touching them by the shoulders or even legs. some are just scared they cant board the train they don even let you alight first. losers i hope the lift upgrading will start soon. i don wan to walk long dark corriders. dinner this saturday at orchard hotel. i need a new decent dress. any sponsors? can call me. Tuesday, June 27, 2006 Y 6:55 AM i am waiting for time to pass by before i go to school. i received a message late last night from my classmate to say that we are meeting later than our usual time because we have no assembly. i just cant help waking up at the same time. ha. anyway, holidays are coming and i can wake up late late. HAHAs.. i slept quite early yesterday at around 9. i am real tired and i cant help it. i din even find the energy to talk to ah boy when he woke me up after he came home from work. sorry, but jialet right? i am sorry. i promise to talk to you long long and lots lots after school today. :) i need to go to school soon. a heavy load off my mind this morning. i cant imagine if it happen again. but luckily it didn't. i need a hug before i go to school... Monday, June 26, 2006 Y 5:22 PM she just refuses to nod her head. she only knows how to shake her head. and she is smiling when she is shaking her head. ha isn't she cute? i was seating at the interchange at woodlands waiting for my bus and listening to the music on my MP3 player. it was playing the song when friends are always together. it brought me back to the memory when the 5 of us are together. it is impossible to be together and doing what we used to do anymore. 1 is missing and we lost contact. 1 is in bad terms with me. 1 is busy with work. 1 is busy with university. 1 is happily busy with her baby and husband. see. i told you it is impossible. i need my sumsung phone now..i cant stand the phone i am taking. haha..i need to wait till the end of the week before i get to have the phone. sighs...and it doesnt help much when everybody is asking why my phone spoils. pui. imissahboy Sunday, June 25, 2006 Y 10:50 PM i am suffering from heartpain. it has left me. suffering by myself. it didn't even give any warning. it just went away... my beloved 6670 had died on me. dammit. sorry. i cursed. i bought the phone with ah boy sponsoring me half the amount just months ago. i changed the original cover two times not even three months ago. all the unlucky things just happens to me. no wonder i din strike any lottery. pui. i am lucky i have a spare sumsung E700 phone with daddy in Australi. i am going to ask him to fly my handphone back. haha..meanwhile, i have to bear with what i have. it would take another two weeks for my used-to-be beloved phone back. i really love my phone. and i missed it already. watched slient hill with ah boy and just came home. nice movie though. i am tired and i need to hit the bed. to drem of ah boy. and also my phone.. ineedhishuggies Saturday, June 24, 2006 Y 12:27 PM it's a boring saturday afternoon. i have got nothing better to do except to figure out how to insert songs into my blog. anybody can write out the instruction manual for me? haha.. i am so bored. but luckily i have got ashley playing with me. haha. funny how sometimes you need to have your own children playing with you to keep you occupied. i thought only grandmothers feel this way. i am starting to get real bored by my life. is this going to be the same for the next 20 to 30 years. sitting at home doing nothing all day long during weekends. looking after kids or even my grandchildren? maybe everything will change if i become a rich tai tai. then can have high tea with my friends all day long. speaking of this, this morning when i was having breakfast with ah boy and his collegues, a bird drpooed its 'bomb' on me and his other two collegues. after which everyone rushes off to buy some lottery. maybe i might become a rich tai tai after all. dreams~~~~ Friday, June 23, 2006 Y 10:42 AM she was crying when we brought him back. so why didn't she cherish the times they had when she was having her maternity leave? humans are funny, they din cherish things when they have it. they only start to feel the pain when they lose the things. i know its mean to say it. but.. serves them right. ashley was such a angel when i slept with her last night. she was smiling up at me and keeping quiet when i haven't wake up. isnt she an angel? haha.. oh..and there's my blue knight. Thursday, June 22, 2006 Y 9:24 AM school starts late today and i still want to say the same old thing. i hate afternoon lessons. i have this really huge blister on the back of my heels because i wore my pair of new heels to school yesterday. i din realise the blister until yesterday night, and here comes the gross part. when i burst the blister, the water came ozzing out of it without any warning. haha. ashley haven't been taking her milk and only gods knows why. i tried asking alot of people and they gave me alot of suggestion saying things like:' must force her to drink la, if not don have enough calcuim.' however, when mummy called me this morning and i asked her the same thing, she said that alot of people have the wrong concept of milk producing calcuim. in actual fact, milk does not produce calcuim. then again, i asked her why they want babies to drink milk when it does not produce calcuim? here comes her answer:' because babies can't bite.' haha.. mummy always give me a definate answer and always assures me. nothing beats having your own kin supporting by your side. i still miss the days when i can don care about everything and just lets mummy do the things, which she does greatly for us, for us. i am still learning to be a good mummy. i hope i can. aww...imissahboy Wednesday, June 21, 2006 Y 10:21 PM me and ivy went to kinokuniya and each went home happily with a book in our hands. it had been a long time since i was happy shopping for a book. we wanted to get more but we have only eonugh for one. we vow to go back with money next time. haha.. this is the book which i really wanted.. ![]() i have watcjed the dvd with my brother and it was a touching story. i din cry though. haha..anyway, i bought the other bacuse since i ahve already watched this show, i thought it can wait for a little while more. going to the bookshop today brought me back to the days when i would go shopping with my mother and we would always stop by the bookshops. she would splurge on the books for me no matter how much it is. i though it would be nice to have her around today. i miss the days.. did i forgot to say i missed him alot today? heh heh... Monday, June 19, 2006 Y 2:12 PM i watched the movie, "hostel" with ah boy this morning. it about 3 boys who went backpacking together and they ended up at Russia. they were told by the locals there that if they go east, they will find more beautiful and hot woman there. guys, being horny all the time, went there but something unexpected happen to them. everything was in fact a plot. the women there first seduce them, then they put some pills into their drink. when they woke up, they find themselves locked up in a cell. so, the whole show is about: you paying the people there to buy another person( whether they are willing or not), to torture them to death. it was a bloody and horrible show. we watched it while eating breakfast. i din manage to finish my breakfast because i was feeling so sick to my stomach. i am feeling so sick now. i just receive a call from my mum that my uncle called her to complain that i am not picking up my phone. **** am i supposed to call every single person and tell them whatever shit i am doing? who are they to mind my business. **** i am looking forward to next week. because i want them out of my house. ya. i hate them. Sunday, June 18, 2006 Y 1:14 PM don worry. i won't fail my test. so ah boy and me decided to be selfish again. we decided to watch the match tonight between brazil and australia. which means we won't be coming back tonight. which means we will be leaving ashley and her little cousin at home with her grandparents. because her cousin's mother is being her old selfish shelf. ah boy is also getting a little fed up with her already and when i voice out that his newphew will be staying overnight and there will be two babies at home, he said to leave it up to them. ha. see? even your own brother will be fed up with you. she really had gone beyond the limit. enough of them already. they are making my blog smells smelly? something more sweet..Ashley is very cute? how does that sound? haha. ivy: i saw the picture you took with angela and ashley. i need to collect a fee of 20 bucks from you. haha..i give you 3 days or i will hang a mock pig head in front of ur house. haha.. i really hate it when ah boy works during sunday. i feel so lonely. Saturday, June 17, 2006 Y 11:23 AM i think, they are not fit to be a parent yet. although me and ah boy are both much more younger than them, i think we did a better job at parenting than them. they are still not ready to take the responsible of being a parent, so why give birth to the child. i really despise them. from today onwards. i will laugh my heads off if one day their son do not call them mummy or daddy. me and ah boy brought ashley to the polyclinic today, thinking that she is taking her last dose of injection. but it was just a checkup and no injection was give, anyway, the doctoe commented that ashley is overweight and asked us to take note of what she eats. she is now asleep peacefully. see, my daughter is a better child than theirs. ah boy went to play soccer after that and after the soccer, to a majong session with his collegues. i was rather pissed off with him that he rather spend his off day with his collegues( who he sees at work already) than me and ashley. he's working tomorrow morning and i hate it when he works during the weekend. i thought i can spend more time with him today. that leaves me with only ah boy's mother, me, ashley and their baby at home. which makes me more irritated because i have a 8 chapters test to study for and everybody else is having fun out leaving the babies at home. sorry. i just need to grumble abit before i hit the books. maybe, i will fail after all. pui. Friday, June 16, 2006 Y 11:25 AM yesterday night was a nightmare. i don't know why but my gastric started acting up and it lasted for the whole night. i woke up almost every single hour because of the pain. hmm..i realised i am running out of things to say. ok. ashley is growing more and more cute every single days. haha..she has gone from knowing how to wave goodbye to now learning to clap. i hope she will learn to call me soon..haha.. erm.. i just got a phone call. his elder sis called to say they are coming over now. sian..spoils my mood. haha..but luckily i got ashley and ah boy with me. i saw a really cute guy yesterday in the train and i nearly wanted to take his picture to show my friends. looking at his uniform, he is from police acadamy. haha..i told this angela and nichole and they commented that i have a thing for police. haha.. ya. i have a thing for police. i just love it when ah boy is in his uniform. its like..he's my knight in blue. Wednesday, June 14, 2006 Y 5:47 PM one word to describe me: TIRED. i am sooooooo freaking tired. and i have a 8 chapters test to study for by next tuesday and i havent got a single chapter covered. i think i am growing old. i am having backaches..tired shoulders..sleepy eyes.. haha..i think i am old. i don have much things to blog. i think i need a nap. sorry this entry is a stupid one. i miss my boy. Tuesday, June 13, 2006 Y 9:28 AM that's my Nakata... haha yes. I LOVE NAKATA!! haha. that's the reason i went to mac with ah boy yesterday to watch the match between Japan and Australia. although my whole family are in Australi, i strongly support Japan. whaha. watching a match in mac could be quite fun. the whole mac was filled with people and everyone was cheeriong together when Japan scored a goal. i thought most of the people are supporting Japan. but ehrn Australi won at the end of the match with the score of 3-1, even more people cheered and clapped. pui. i don't know what are they thinking. brought Ashley to swimming yesterday and it wa very fun. it is always fun bringing her out. even to the void decks. haha. she is starting to learn to talk now. i think. the words that are coming out of her mouth are starting to sound like words like da, or na. so cute.. i am going to miss ah boy for thw whole day because he will be out with his friends till quite late. he promised not to be later than midnight. because i am going to screw him if he does. haha.. i am getting nearer to my TAKA ring.. whahahahahahaa Sunday, June 11, 2006 Y 11:03 PM after all we had gone through, i still have the strong feelings. i love that guy of mine. that girl named ashley is cute too. i have strong feelings for her too. haha i love them both. muacks!! Y 11:08 AM there were times when i don't understand myself. i think, i think, i think, i am a selfish woman. my heart has only the space to love my mummy, daddy, my 2 brothers, ah boy, ashley, and my best pals in school. there is no room for anybody else. i can't give up my time for other people' child. i cant', and i hate, to share ashley's things with anybody else. i can't, and i really hate, to think that both of us are having babies but she is having a good time. i think, i really hate that family. he is adorable, and it is not his fault. but i donno, i just don like sharing her things with him. i bought all the things for her under alot of comsiderations and love. i want the best for her. but people just take her things for granted use it as they like it. now, they are occupying one of ashley's drawers. to put his things. see, i said i am selfish. he don seems like their son. it seems like they are still having their honeymoon times while people in ah boy's family are slogging their time out looking after him. people in the family have to think twice if they wants to go out because of him. but they just simply chunk him here and do whatever they want. their son gets to sit at the front sit of the lorry. my daughter has to sit at the back and have the wind blown all over her body. is this fair to her, me and ah boy? i really hate them. but i have to keep quiet because ah boy would be unhappy if i tells him. i have to keep it to myself. i think i am going crazy. but i still need to keep quiet. Saturday, June 10, 2006 Y 10:22 PM in the end.. we din go to the zoo. instead, we went to lot 1 first, then to bukit panjang plaza. ashley enjoyed her time with ivy and angela. and i can see that they enjoyed alot with her too, especially angela. she was being extremely touchy with ashey and took extra care of her. i was shopping happily in front of her. whaha.. ya. i forgot to explain. it was rainging. that was why we din go to the zoo. luckily it got smaller(the rain), and i managed to bring ashley out nearby. she was quite disappointed when( i think) she sense that we wont be going out after all. anyway, the four of us enjoyed alot. ah boy wanted to go out to watch a soccer match tonight. it means i will not be seeing him the whole day because he had been working the whole day today. the earliest i can see him is only at 12am. but, heh heh... he changed his mind and came home after work to accompany me. isn't he a very sweet guy? ooh...sweet... Friday, June 09, 2006 Y 8:31 PM i can't wait for tomorrow. i will be bringing ashley out to zoo tomorrow together with ivy and angela. i cannnnnn't wait!! haha.. hmm.. things running through my mind now: will it rain tomorrow? what should i bring for her? what should i wear her with? haha.. i am just being silly. anyway, the admission fee for an adult is around 15 bucks. and i am glad that ivy and angela don mind and we are going as usual. i also hope and pray hard that it would rain tomorrow. ah boy is also being very sweet to us by sponsoring me 50 bucks for the whole trip. ah boy, me, mama and papa went to HDB today for the 1st appointment but something cock up and we had to postpone and make another appointment. it was not on the faoult on us but with the HDB side, and the officer serving us showed us very bad attitude. i think she has the feeling that we are going to lodge a complaint against her. her attitude changed completely after a while later. i know i have said this for the hundredth or thousandth time. but i want my flat ASAP. haha.. ooh.. i can spend this sunday with ah boy. my guy. Thursday, June 08, 2006 Y 4:57 PM forever friends? forever sisters? some people are just good at bullshitting. some people are just good at wearing a mask over their irritating face. i realise yesterday, that some friends are true to you. while some friends are just wearing a mask on their faces. some friends stood by you through diffcult times.some 'friends' just watch you die at the side. can girl friends remain the same friend they are to you when they have met someone they like? i doubt so. but maybe, that bitch is just fated to be with that bastard. they are so matching, because they have the same character. they are just as fake as they can be. i don need friends like you. good luck and try to be lucky. what comes around goes around. i survived my test, because i have wonderful parents and siblings. i'll curse you be the same. but i believe that you wont be so lucky like me. Wednesday, June 07, 2006 Y 1:53 PM both me and ah boy just came back from my bukit batok place because we wanted some time for ourselves. and thus, we made a selfish decision not to come back. hehe.. the weather is starting to kill my eyes. and i made a firm decision, supported by ah boy, to get myself a pair of sunglasses. or i think, i might become blind. ah boy's cousin is getting ROM this sunday. i had wanted to bring Ashley along and was already thinking what to dress up her when her grandparents say baby cannot attend the cermony. i was disappointed, of course, but on the other hand, i can dress up myself and not worry about her. heh heh.. i was browsing through my old hp when i saw a couple of Ashley's photos when she was just a newborn baby. ![]() this was Ashley was she was only 3 days old ![]() she grew up a few months later to be so adorable. ![]() and i believe that she will grow up to be as pretty as her mother. heh heh.. Monday, June 05, 2006 Y 9:58 AM i overslept again. shit. i have been feeling very tired for the whole of last week because Ashley had not been feeling well and she gets very cranky easily at night. and so , nboth me and ah boy lost alot of sleep. i know i shouldn't be talking about this anymore. but i just cant help it. his elder sis, knowing that Ashley is not feeling well, still left her son here for ah boy's parents to look after. his mother actually hinted at his sis to bring her baby back yesterday night but she still didn't do so. the place here is already so cramp, and everybody have to work and go to school the next day, but still.. hai.. i really don know what is going through in her mind. maybe, she is just plain selfish. i can see Ashley's grandparents miss sleeping with her. i can also see that they wanna spend more time with her because she is not feeling well. phew.. i finally got all these things off my chest. now the big thing coming. i have been screwing up my attendance. how? i think i am going to die big time. pui. weather is turning bad soon. i hope it wont rain before ah boy comes back because he is playing soccer with his friends. ilovehimsooomuch Sunday, June 04, 2006 Y 7:09 PM today was quite an eventful day. first, i brougt Ashley out for breakfast. then, me and ah boy went to a mulit storey carpark to wash his dad's lorry. after that, we went to our prayer hall in sengkang to watch a skit compeitition. and i reached home with a very bad headache. i had a nap and just woke up..with a very hungry stomach. haha.. i had my whole body drenched when me and ah boy was washing his dad's car because the horse was too lose from the tap and the horse dropped off when i was the one holding the horse for ah boy. ah boy was so happy to see me drenched. -_-" i wonder do you get to see a second person getting drenched from washing a car. pui. anyway, i am quite refreshed now from the nap but my stomach is rumbling. i haven't eaten for the whole day. i am going to look for food now. ha. Ah boy is the only one.. Saturday, June 03, 2006 Y 11:56 AM stop calling me the ngxinhui woman, tan lee kiang. haha.. thank god. and i really thank god. Ashley id getting better already. yeaterday night was scary. her fever suddenly shoot up to 39 degree and we had to rush her to the doctor. the doctor scared us further by telling us if her fever is this high, she could have a fit. pui. luckily there is a high fever medicine for her and luckily her body can take in the medicine. and she is feeling better already. thank god once more. we will be bringing her back for a checkup later once more. just to confirm that everything is ok. don worry. i will be taking good care of her. haha. i have ah boy with me for the WHOLE weekend. Yeah! Friday, June 02, 2006 Y 5:31 PM i hope Ashley will get well soon... though she can still play and talk, her fever is wearing both me and ah boy out. it has been a hectic week and i hope all things go well next week. or i think my life will be shorten by 10 years. so.. i decided to stop talking about all these tired things and do something sweet. i was craay enough to take pictures of me and ah boy's wedding album. it brought back many sweet memories.. ![]() I ask only that we may go forward together and face whatever lies ahead in the strength and confidence of our love. ![]() in case you can't read the words, it says :"Forever My Girl." heh heh.. ![]() now, i realised the need to shoot a album when you get married. just when you think that the love between you two has gone bland. just when you think that he doesn't care for you anymore. just when you think that he has taken you for granted... take a look at the pictures you two have taken it will brighten your day it will melt your heart it will feel like a new beginning to your relationship.. I am a blessed woman!! Thursday, June 01, 2006 Y 8:53 PM it has been a long time since i had came in here. ah boy's monitor has been down and i had to bring my house's one over here. it's nice to be using my own monitor again. i skipped school a couples of days already. one reason is because of the pimples in my eyes again. another sadly, is because Ashley is down with fever. i had to stay home to look after her because i don bear to leave her at home and go to school. i think, and i believe that my atendance is screwed up. i promise to improve my attendance. heh heh.. i cross my fingers.. ooh...and i wanna say... Jonathan Leong from Singapore Idol rocks.. heh heh... I Love My Guy |
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