Sunday, May 28, 2006 Y 10:04 AM arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry. i just need to vent out my frustrations. Friday, May 26, 2006 Y 7:35 PM the weather is SUPER hot in the noon. it is SUPER cold now.. what the heck.. ah boy's eyes is giving him problems again. it was his right eye at first, now it is his left eye giving him trouble. he is working night shift now, but hope that his sir will allow him to come home at 11pm as requested by ah boy. everytime ah boy's sister brings her son over, i feel that Ashley is so much more cuter than him. heh heh.. say me biased or anything, i just feel so and i feel so proud. i have the whole weekend with ah boy and i am looking forward. can say i stupid, or you can say i am easily contented. but... ah boy sat that bitch's car home yesterday. yes, i am a stupid girl. Don't slap me hor, Ivy. i just feel like slapping that bitch. that guy is mine guy. Wednesday, May 24, 2006 Y 9:17 PM i wanted to share a photo of my tourism lecturer vacuming the lecture hall today. but i donno why i cant find the picture in the computer. so i think i will share a picture of Ashley instead. ![]() isn't she just so adorable?? heh heh.. i skipped the last lesson today because ah boy called me early in the morning telling me that he was going to see the doctor for his eyes again. more curses to the doctor who din want to give ah boy his well-deserved MC. anyway, i went there in a cab and can see that ah boy was happy to see me there. smiles~~~ after that we went to watch X-men and it was nicer that i thought. initially i was boared when ah boy said he wanted to watch X-men. but it turns out that the show was nice after all. rotten mango's lesson tomorrow again. i hate tursdays.. I Love My Guy Tuesday, May 23, 2006 Y 7:00 PM i just came back from SGH with ah boy. he went for a minor surgery for the sore eye. curses to the stupid doctor who din want to give ah boy any MC even for tomorow. i never see ah boy complain so much about the pain before. my heart was so in pain. anyway, he is feeling better already. thanks god. anyway, he was real sweet to me after his minor surgery. has been a long time since he held my hand the way he held just now. my heart melted like how ice would melt in the sun. WHAHAHA... the best part has yet to come... i can share the same bed as ah boy today because mama say ashley sleeps with her tonight...WAHAHAHAHAHAHA the day can't get any better. i love him alot alot alot alot... Y 9:37 AM i was too tired to log in an entry yesterday. anyway, i had nothing much to blog. i was asking my classmate yesterday whether am i complaining too much about ah boy's sister in my blog. but they say it was ok and it is a good way of venting my frustration. haha. i conclude: i am going to continue to complain. ha. i am going to accompany ah boy to SGH later to check on his one-week old sore eyes. i hope he is going to be ok even if he might need a minor surgery to take that thing out. i am so pissed off with his friends making a joke out of the thing. i hope the flat that me and ah boy applied for, will come fast so that we can move in fast. i am quite sick of staying at his place and seeing all the irritating people i don want to see. haha. ya. i am mean. and i don want to try to hide it. ah boy told me to bear with it. so...i am going to be a good girl and try to bear with it. anybody have any suggestions on titles on blogs? i am sick of my title... cannot ask me to put name big big hmm...i miss my boy Sunday, May 21, 2006 Y 3:44 PM WHAHAHA i finally got the shoes i wanted for school. maybe its because its so cheap, it is always out of stock. i even had to ask the aunty to keep it for me. the last pair i have it gotten. whahaha. anyway, the shoe cost me 3.50 bucks. we're going out for dinner later and i am wondering what to dress up Ashley with. i am always left with little choices. i am wondering whether izzit its time to buy her new clothes again. whaha. ah boy will kill me. anyway, this weekend i am the most happiest woman around because i have ah boy with me by my side all the while. Saturday, May 20, 2006 Y 12:03 PM its a boring boring boring saturday. both me and ah boy yearn to go out, but ah boy is having sore eyes now, thus we cannot go out. maybe i'll go out alone later to plaza to rent a few movies so that ah boy wont feel so bored. one baby has finally gone home. haha. i donno whether am i thinking to much or am i too selfish. but having two babies in a home is really like in hell. and ah boy's mum, we can see, is also very tired of looking after his nephew. even ah boy also said so. just heard from his mum that his sister asked his mum to look after his nephew together with ashley. how can?? i think i am complaining too much. i am going to stop complaining. i try. haha Friday, May 19, 2006 Y 9:50 PM i spent the night yesterday at my aunty house. it has been ages since i spent the night at her house. but Ashley is at home with her grandparents while ah boy is working night shift. something made me shock, or rather disappointed to me today. here goes: ah boy received a call from his mother asking whether we having dinner at home later. after that, she told him that his nephew will be at our place till sunday. because tonight and tommorow noght there is a religion lesson, which me and ah boy also planned to go. therefore, they will be leaving their son two noghts here. after we reached home in the evening, we heard from his mum that yesterday night is a little chaos cos we have got two babies at home and both me and ah boy are not at home. i donno why, but it kept me thinking: why do they have to leave their son overnoght and not come pick him up when they have finish the lesson? cant they see that their mum is tired too? and do they realised that by leaving their son here, it means that me and ah boy cant go to the lesson too? i wasnt so frustrated at first, but ah oy's sister told her mum that she wants to leave her son here overnight here, so that she can sleep at night. it again kept me thinking that their son is only a month pold plus. wont they miss their son? wont they want to do some bonding with him? i donno but this matter has been ringing in my mind all this while. i suddenly feel that i don understand them at all.. hmm...i think now all it matters is ah boy being with me all this while and...HE IS NOT WORKING THIS WEEKEND!! Wednesday, May 17, 2006 Y 8:08 PM been feeling tired the whole day. yesterday was alittle bit horrible. i was quite frustrated with ashley because she din want to sleep even at around 12 plus. ah boy coax me to sleep because he can see that i losing my patience soon. haha. anyway, she slept at 2am. -_-" i wanted to cut my fringe, but i cant. i wanted to buy a new school shoe which i wanted ages ago. i think i will settle for the 4.50 bucks shool shoe. i already asked the aunty to keep it for me. i was extremely sweet to when talking to her because i wanted her to help me keep the shoe. haha. two babies in a home again... i am beginning to feel a little bit irritated because mama amd i cant cope. i can see she feeling a little irritated too. i nearly wanted to scold his cousin again because she kept following me around. sian.. luckily she backed off soon before i lose it to her. lucky bitch. KDS sucks with that indian rotten mango. ah boy promised to be home early today and i miss him so much now... Tuesday, May 16, 2006 Y 11:48 PM i just came back from the cinema watching the movie, 'poseidon'. (did i spell correctly?) was a very nice and exciting movie which i again recommend it to people. i did not go school today because another pimple grew on my eyelid again.. i wonder how to stop the curse. anyway, i wanted to take am MC from the doctor but was too lazy and doctors in Singapore are so expensive. haha. so that is another black mark added to my attendence. in the end, me and ah boy brought ashley to bowling alley again. haha. she stated talking when we boarded the cab though we don relly know what the heck she is talking about. but it seems that she is enjoying herself. after that we went home at noon, had a nap and went out for the movie with ah boy. now...ashley is still awake. oh my god..both ah boy and me have to wake up early tomorrow. i wonder what time then i can hide the bed.. goodnight. Monday, May 15, 2006 Y 9:47 PM the house is so crazy with two babies at home. haha... our home nearly tear down. heh heh.. not that i meant anything towards my nephew, but this is the fact. you cant have two babies in a house. just like a saying in chinese you cant hide two tigers in a cave. haha.. we brought Ashley to bukit panjang plaza just now and she was sooooooooo cute. haha. i know i am a little bit crazy. ok. i admit. hehehe.. all along i hated my fringe because it looks like a curry puff because of the natural curve in front. today then i know from ivy that i can actually bring my back hair and made it like my fringe from behind. it's a little hard to explain in words here. but anyway, since school finishes early tomorrow and ivy promise to accompany me to the hairdresser tomorrow, i will go and try it out. i will post the pictures here if i find the result satisfactory. haha. i have a pimples on my eyelid again and it hurts alot. i hope it wont get worse tomorrow. apparently i don't have school on friday due to donno what the polling thing then the teachers whatever...i still don get it now. haha.. i only know i don have to go to school and its AH BOY"S OFF DAY!! awwww.. HE's MY GUY Sunday, May 14, 2006 Y 10:15 AM today is a fine, SUNNY sunday. nabei. it gets so cold sometimes, it gets so hot sometimes. i think i am dying of climate-changing-so-fast. i have nothing to do much today. but i was woken up early in the morning by sh boy's younger sister scolding ashley. everytime she gets irritated alittle bit when ashley throws her temper. and when the family has something on and have to go out, she will quickly ask them to bring her out and don leave her alone with ashley. but when ashley is playing and being a good girl, she will play alone with her and keep kissing her face like she dotes on her alone. PUI. i think it has got something to do with the weather, but the people in the house today seems to be in a very fiery mood. school is starting again tomorow. sian. i need to iron my school uniform. again. sian. i am going to do the same routine like: ivy, tomorrow meet same time at mac. PUI. everything sucks today but luckily, i have ah boy with me today. Saturday, May 13, 2006 Y 4:22 PM boring saturday... ah boy is working. his nephew is here the whole day. with only me and ah boy's mother at home. two babies. two adults. hell... it means i am stuck home the whole day till now. i am bored bored and bored..... my brother juz showed me a video of him and my younger brother playing a fool...whaha. but i must say it really made me laugh out loud. haha. nothing much happened much today except feeding milk and changing diapers.. ahhhhhhh..i want him now.... Friday, May 12, 2006 Y 5:16 PM i went to mac this morning for breakfast with ah boy and ashley. she looks cute when she is sitting on the baby chair.. ![]() Ashley wants food but mummy is eating all the food. whaha ![]() i really want my food... why is the table so empty... ![]() eh..i think my food is coming!! ![]() heh heh..i have got a big mouthful of hotcakes ![]() hmm...i am a satisfied baby now! ba la ba ba ba.. i'm loving it! and so we spend the morning eating hotcakes at mac with me busy eating myself and feeding her. of course ah boy is busy eating himself. haha. we're going for a dinner at the temple later nearby the house. i am so freaking tired with all the chores i have been doing today. i need a nap but i doubt i have the time. i think i am talking alot of craps here. Happy Vesak Day Thursday, May 11, 2006 Y 1:09 PM hahahahahahahahah.... i skipped school today as requested by ah boy because he wanted me to stay at home to accompany him. he rarely behave like that but i agreed to it without a second thought. i am going to collect my long- awaited spects at the optical later with ah boy. we're bringing Asley out to have some fun later as well to visit ah boy's newphew at home. he hasn't been feeling well since last week. i am waiting ah boy to finish his bath so that we can go out together. but he is taking his own sweet time bathing and i can hear him playing music on his handphone in the toilet now. -_-" he is my boy. ![]() don't we look so right together?.... he is mine. heh heh... Wednesday, May 10, 2006 Y 8:29 PM ah boy is sick but he is recovering.. haha. that means he's home now accompanying me. nothing much had been happening today. so i'll post some pics of Ashley whaha... ![]() this pic was taken on the day when we went for mother's day dinner. i love the hat and the dress she was wearing that day. it was picked by me of course. haha.. ![]() why are you staring at me?? ![]() ohh...Ashley lovesssss money ![]() heh...Ashley and a chio bu. whaha.. ![]() erm... do i know you? enough photos, ivy? i will post more photos in future entries because ah boy bought that new camera. i believe we will keep taking pictures of her more often. when we dress her up. heh. i am having stomach cramps now but i don know why. it's not that time of the month yet. opps.. did i say too much? i love him sooo much Tuesday, May 09, 2006 Y 6:16 PM i watched mission impossible 3 with ah boy and it was a fantastic show. i recommended it to everyone. i was feeling so sleepy this morning that i din realise that my contact lense had dropped from from finger. i was still trying very hard when i feel that i am like touching my eyeballs. i gave up trying to look for it as i was running late. i promised to post Ashley's photos today but i am sorry because the camera is in ah boy's room and his younger brother and his girlfriend is on the room, locked up now. i can't go in because i don't know what they are doing inside. i haven't even bath yet. ah boy bought a casio digital camera at the price of 799 yesterday. the screen was big and it is 10.1 megepixel. i wonder why he needs such a good camera. but i told him it's ok because i can use it for him. haha.. thank you for changing my templates for me, ivy. i miss ah boy now.. Monday, May 08, 2006 Y 3:38 PM school was real slack today... we practically did nothing but wait for time to pass.. yesterday's dinner with ah boy and family was good. but the thing was, because Ashley was too cute and hence in the end, everybody was fighting to carry her. or if another person was carrying her, the rest would crowd around her like she is any big star. i actually don mind people carrying her, but at least they can respect me as her mother and at least tell me where they were bringing her. there was one time when i found out ah boy's cousin carrying her and was standing at the middle of the carpark and playing with her. this made me determined not to let them carry her without my permission again. she even got cranky at night. enough about the bad things. anyway, Ashley was being a real angel yesterday by behaving very well yesterday. ahe looks vry cute with the new outfit i bought her. i will post the pictures tomorrow. i put her on a baby chair and fed her with the food that she can eat. she will bang her hands in the table signalling she wants more of the food. isn't she a real angel?~~~ i am going out for a movie with ah boy later and i am looking forward. i am always looking forward to going out on dates with ah boy. i really don behave like a married woman. whahah.. i am sooooo in love with him Sunday, May 07, 2006 Y 4:21 PM downstairs prayers are making a big fat din but i cannot complain cos it's suppose to be holy. haha. i went to meet ah boy at teck whye today after his soccer for lunch and i came by something which made me quite sad. i decided not to talk about it here because i am too lazzy to type. anyway, i sent an email to her and her boyfriend and i am looing forward to their reply because i want to know what they are thinking. we are going out for dinner later with ah boy's whole family. as in we booked four table in the restuarant already.haha. i told my brother about it and he said are we throwing a wedding dinner. whaha. anyway, i am quite lazy to type now and i have to get ready for later's event. i am quite tired actually. i will update more tomorrow. Saturday, May 06, 2006 Y 5:34 PM i was asking ah boy to sing me a children song when he sang me this song: "bla bla black sheep any any wool, yes sir yes sir three bag full. one or my husband one for my day and one for the little boy three bag full..." haha. it was then i realised he doesn't have any childhood fun at all. haha. i could not stop laughing and admire at his creativity in creating a song he doesn't know. he seems to even enjy himself. haha. anyway, ah boy's nephew came over and there is two babies at his house at the same time. it was chaos. haha. but now one wakes up from his nap and one went for her nap. i need to add: can she bloody hell stop acting like another's baby mother when another baby comes. cant she look at herself in the mirror and reflects that she is not fit to play with other people's child because she totally sucks at everything? ah boy told her off today and ask her not to play with ashley anymore but she still plays with her. ah boy told her not to keep going over to look at ashley when she is sleeping but she still does it. even now. like right now. it's not that i cant try to accept her. but when people tells her off, she can answer you like an adult but only crys when ah boy tells her off. she just totally sucks. i am actually quite shocked at myself at how i look at people nowadays. i am also quite shocked at how mean i sound now.. actually it's not my fault. whahahahahaah...... Y 9:48 AM vote for me! vote for me!! the voting season is finally going to end today. early in the morining, everybody in the family is rushing to make the votes so that they won't meet any crowd. i am so lucky to be under 21 and thus don have to make any vote. haha. i slept real early yesterday like 8 plus. haha. i don know why but i am so damn tired. we're going to a vegetarian restuarant tomorrow night to celebrate mother's day for mama and grandmum's birthday. that means alot of people will be going like all his aunts and uncles. i am going to dress up ashley with her new pink dress and cute white floral socks. i am soooooo looking forward to tomorrow. i am going to visit my grandma at the nursing home later and i am considering to bring Ashley along. but it looks like it's going to rain soon. i am wondering how to go myself let alone say bring ashley. haha. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, MUMMY Friday, May 05, 2006 Y 4:30 PM his cousin is freaking me out!! i know i am so mean but i hope really that one fine day they will kick her out of the family. she is always doing somthing so stupid. she is always acting cute. she is always making people irritated. she is always acting differently when ah boy is around and when ah boy is not around. I HATE THE WAY SHE CALL ASHLEY!! can somebody ask her to leave Ashley alone and stop acting like she is her mother when she is so freaking LAZY. ha phew..i finally got it off my chest. i dread coming home so early because i hate the sight of her and i don wan to stay in a house with her for more than 8 hours. time flies and voting day is tomorrow. i basically did nothing in school for the whole week but fool around. whaha.. ashley is sleepy. i need to put her to bed ciao Thursday, May 04, 2006 Y 8:48 PM i am sick. sick.. sick... sick.... i jut recover from a fever which i had gotten this morning. i actually skipped school today because i need to settle some things at home. but ended up doing nothing because i am SICK. i am thinking how i am going to do PE tomorrow in school. anyway, about yesterday ah boy snapping at me, i asked him when he woke up why he was so pissed off with off me. and he told me he knew nothing about it. meaning, he does not know what he was doing. he don even remember he was talking to me. anyway, he apologised and we made up already. haha. although i was sick, i went bowling with ah boy and his friends in the afternoon. haha. everybody played lousy today. haha.. the results, i now have back aches, severe coughing and extreme tiredness. there's some buddhist events going downstairs and is making quite a din. i donno what time it's going to end but Ashley is sleeping soundly. haha..she really can sleep in a noisy room. i need a rest. because i am feeling so SICK! i need a hug from him. hee... *huggies* opps.... thats Ashley's diapers brand. huggies~~~ Wednesday, May 03, 2006 Y 12:29 PM i rushed home quickly staight after school today so that i can see ah boy before he left for his extra duty at 3pm later. he was sleeping when i got back, as expected as he worked night shift yesterday and only got back this morning. out of concern, i asked him how is he going back to station later. is he going to take his friend's car or is he going by bus. i am also actually trying to find something to ask him so that i can talk to him and hear his voice. but..he snapped at me and asked me to back off. he even said in a irritated voice why i ask so much and asked me to leave him alone. i know i am wrong to talk to him while he was sleeping. but is there a need to snap at me?? does he know how hurt i feel right after that? i cant even find the energy to talk to anyone even his mother. i just feel like hiding under my blanket and cry my hearts out. i know it's not a big deal but this is the first time he snapped at me like that. i was close to tears just now but i just backed off like what he wanted me to. i shall leave him alone. i was thinking of him the whole time when i was in school and just when i was happily back home to talk to him, this has to happen. the smallest thing irrites me now. Tuesday, May 02, 2006 Y 3:08 PM i told mummy just now about my result. at first when she asked me, i said plainly,"one A and two B lor." then she claimed that the results so good why i act like nothing. then i told her that my GPA is only 2.9 while i need 3.5 at least to get into poly. then she said," see lah, ask you to study better then you don want. see what kind of results you have." see what i mean? i told her i regret telling her about the GPA thing and let her have the impression that i am doing well. haha.. the weather nowadays can change real fast. last than 30 minutes ago it was raining cats and dogs. now, it is sunny and hot like bloddy hell. haha.. i think the world is coming to an end. haha.. anyway, i am real upset with a girlfriend of mine a few days ago. she invited ah boy to her boyfriend's birthday dinner whom we both knew very well. she text him on the phone and told him to ask his wife along. i mean, cant she just say ask Cheryl along. its not as if we don know each other. we had not been getting along well these recent years since she had been together with her boyfriend. because her boyfriend is quite special in the sense that his thinking is quite different from others. so most of the time i disagree with what he is thinking. this made my friend upset. it suddenly dawn on me that very good special friends can turn against each other because of how well he/ she protects his/her boyfriend/girlfriend. it made me quite disappointed actually. this resulted in some things which i wanted to tell her but did not in the end. i guess she will hear it from others sooner or later. i am sorry because i know when you read this you will get upset. i realised this entry is quite long and i lost ashley in the house now. haha. i better go looking for her or i will get a scolding from ah boy's mum again like just now. haha.. ciao Y 1:30 PM School started today and the timetable we received was pleasing to our eyes. haha mon-end at 2pm tue and wed- end at11am thurs-start at 12pm, end at 430pm fri-end at 1pm isn't it so nice to be able to end school so early everyday?? haha. i received my results today and i was so nervous when i was about to take the result statement. actually i can know my result by checking online but i don know why i always can't log into my account even though i changed my password two times already. i got one A and two Bs. it may seem ok on the surface but my GPA sucks. i got 2.9 something for my GPA. it may not be enough to get into a poly. i need above 3.5 what should i do?? Monday, May 01, 2006 Y 7:33 PM school is starting tomorrow for sickening year two -_-" yesterday's event made me very tired today and i am still feeling very tired now. i think it might be because school is starting tomorrow. mum called back today and siad that she had contacted the housing agent to put up our place at bukit batok for sale. come to think of it, i realised we had been shifting house a number of times already. at the year which we shifted house are the year where i am promoted to a new school. meaning, the first time is when i was in primary six going on to secondary one. the last time when i just finished secondary five going on to ite. and now. its different. haha. nothing much happened today. from rushing back to bukit batok to rushing back here to bukit panjang. i need to iron my uniform now. ashley is crying. haha. happy labour day. |
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